Linux and Hadoop commands for data engineers!
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Linux follows a tree-like directory structure (hierarchy). Every path starts with the root, and everything will be inside that root directory. In Windows, we call it a folder; in Linux, we call it a directory.
Want to check which is the present working directory?
→ pwd
Want to know who is logged in?
→ whoami
Want to clear the screen?
→ clear
Want to change the directory?
→ cd
Want to change the directory to root?
→ cd /
Want to go to the home directory from anywhere?
→cd ~
Want to go to the previous directory?
→ cd -
Hadoop Commands:
Prefix your Linux commands with ‘hadoop ls’ or ‘hdfs dfs’ and they’ll function like Hadoop commands.
Some commands that are specific to HDFS that are used for data movement are:
— -> hadoop fs -put /local_file_path /hdfs_path: To bring the file from local (gateway node) to HDFS. You can also use ‘hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /local_file_path /hdfs_path‘ to do the same task.
— ->hadoop fs -copyToLocal /hdfs_path .: To bring a file from HDFS to local. Here ‘.’ means the current location. You can also use the ‘get’ command like above to do the same task here.
These were some of the most important commands!
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- Sumit Sir’s Big Data